Saturday, April 8, 2017

Spread: Papus' Rapid Process


What must we do if we wish to draw out the horoscope of any matter?

1. You should take the minor arcana and separate the suit of cards that refers to the kind of consultation you require.

If it is some business you are about to undertake, you must take the Sceptres or Diamonds. If it is a love affair, take the Cups or Hearts. For a law-suit, or any struggle, take Swords or Spades. In a money matter, the Pentacles or Clubs.

2. Shuffle the cards selected, then ask the Inquirer to cut them.

3. Take the four first cards from the top of the pack, and without looking at them place them in a cross ... , from left to right, as shown by the numbers (1-4).

4. Then take your major arcana (which should always be separated from the minor arcana), shuffle them, and let them be cut for you.

5. You then ask the Inquirer to draw out seven cards from the major arcana by chance, and to give them to you without looking at them.

6. Shuffle these seven cards, and when the Inquirer has cut them, take the three top cards, and without looking at them arrange them in a triangle, in the following order-- (I-II)

7. Take up the cards so that you can see them and read the oracles, noticing that the card placed at number 1 indicates the commencement. The card placed at number 2 indicates the apogee, at number 3 the obstacles, lastly, at number 4 the fall.

The major arcanum placed at I indicates the influences that have weighed in the affair during the Past. The major arcanum in II. indicates the influence exerted over the Present. The arcanum at number III. shows the influence which will affect and determine the Future.

These cards can be very rapidly deciphered when the habit is once acquired. But one important point should be noted, that when the rapid process is used for fortune-telling, the figures do not exclusively represent persons of especial complexion. The King represents a man, without any other distinction, the Queen a woman, the Knight a young man, and the Knave a child.

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