Sunday, January 1, 2017

Oracle Patience

One well-shuffled pack suffices for this game. Itis called the Oracle because it shows which of the four powers in the world-Wisdom, Wealth, Beauty, or Courage-will be most propitious to the player. These powers are represented by the four queens, under the names of Minerva for Wisdom-spades; Juno for Wealth-diamonds; Venus for Beauty-hearts; and Bellona for Courage---clubs. The queens are placed a short distance apart, and their courts are formed round them (see Diagram) as the cards are turned up from the pack. The upper card in each court is immovable; the three others can capture and be captured.

As soon as a court is completed, but not before, that power is ready to attack, but it cannot do so until a card of its suit turns up. This may take any card or cards of its own value from the other courts (always excepting the top one), and the captor and captured are laid on the heap above the queen. The three lower cards of the attacking power have also the right of taking any others of their value which are placed underneath them; but these cards are subject to recapture.

If the turn-up cannot make a capture, it is laid on the top heap, and another is turned. Continue dealing out, forming up the courts, and capturing at every opportunity, until the pack is exhausted. The cards are then counted, and the. power that scores most wins. Aces count four, kings three, knaves two, and common cards one, each.

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